The lemon cucumber is really yummy. Now something seems to be attacking the leaves and it's looking a little sickly. The beans never really took off. I'm about to harvest them and have one decent side dish. The corn was a bust. I have ears that are small but the ants got the corn so I'll have to figure out what to do about that next year. However, I'm going to have a great front porch decoration with those stalks so all is not lost. :)
I've got watermelon, honey dew, and canteloupe that has yet to fully ripen. And if the damn squirrels would leave my tomatoes alone I'd be ready for my own Tomatina.
We've had a great time eating from our garden already this year. Although I'm thankful we aren't really headed for the apocalypse because while we had some tasty meals, we'd starve if we had to live on my gardening. :) But hey, it's a start.
And I've been bitten by the gardening bug. I'm looking forward to planting my winter crop soon....
you did great! And this is perfect since I am writing the apocalypse scenes now...if they grow zucch in the book, it will be in homage to you :)
we just yanked out the last of our fall harvest and are putting in for our winter this upcoming monday! sophie will see the garden tomorrow at its worst!!!
Hey, I give you props for gardening in the first place. I am a known plant killer. I walk by the poor vegetation and it withers. Not good.
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