aka cleaning your office, culling out unread books, sorting through borrowed books to give back, filing your reams of internet research on various topics, scheduling the next year's worth of www.pensfatales.com topics....
aka sprucing up your front yard, watering your apocalypse garden (i have zucchini! and the corn is sprouting or whatever you call what they do), spending quality time with your children (whether they want to or not), heading to the bookstore and buying books but not reading them because you can't until you write....
aka mulling over your plot, working through story lines, fretting over character motivation, pondering the potential settings of the next scene....
in other words...all of that aka stuff is productive, no question, but it isn't writing. Writing requires BICHOKTAM. Butt in chair, Hands on keyboard, Typing away madly.
No magic handshake, no muse on vacation, no excuse. Time to write.
I'm loathe to comment since reading it will just serve as another means for procrastination.
M - Thank you for foot in the a**, gave myself a kick for good measure and wrote right after I posted :)
ok: if you can do it so can i. sluggish day today, few new words....will try again tomorrow!
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